Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Keeping a constant eye on your dedicated web hosting plan can be a hard and time–swallowing process. It requires time, which you’d better spend on other things, such as making your web site far better. If you make use of our Optional Admin Services offer, we will be keeping track of your server. We have built a one–of–a–kind monitoring and notification tool, which will warn our admins automatically as soon as anything goes wrong with your server. They will then investigate the nature of the problem.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • Maintaining a backup of your website is really tough if you have to do it yourself. You’ll need to find a place for your backups – preferably on a different physical machine; you will have to create backups; you will have to check if everything is working. We provide you with a very simple answer. Our Optional Admin Services package gives you 50 GB of disk space on one of our reliable backup servers. And we will help you with the backups. And since all the servers belong to the very same network, the backups will be created as quickly as possible.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • If there’s a particular service or software program that you want to install on your server, but you do not know how to carry it out, or if you experience chronic problems setting up everything yourself, our company offers you a solution. Our Optional Admin Services package covers installation and problem–solving procedures, meaning that you will have the complete and undivided attention of our system administrators for thirty minutes – more than enough time for them to discover the issue at hand and make things right. You may also use this time to request them to help you with any other server–connected problems you are experiencing.

Avalable with all our Dedicated Web Hosting Plans