Using the collection of Site Optimization Applications built into the Site Control Panel, you can easily begin promoting your completely new web site, right after it is put together. With the RSS News instrument, you can quickly place a regularly refreshed news part in your web site. With the GeoIP re–direction program, you’ll be able to route your site visitors according to their location. In addition, with the Sitemap Generator, you can generate a comprehensive sitemap for your web site and send it to search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

For quicker search engine crawling

A sitemap represents list of the pages within a web site that can be utilized by robots and users. You can use a sitemap to inform search engines which webpages of the web site you want to be indexed. Also, a sitemap can help your clients find the way within your site. You’d normally utilize a third party sitemap software package to get a sitemap for your site. Nonetheless, here, you get a sitemap tool comfortably installed in your Yates Web Solutions Site Control Panel.

In the Advanced Instruments section, just click on Sitemap Generator and right after choosing the file format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your site will be all set in a few minutes and you’ll be able to submit it to the major search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geo location–driven redirections with only a click of the mouse

Yates Web Solutions offers you a great way to re–direct your site visitors on the basis of their whereabouts. Through the GeoIP redirection tool, you are able to redirect all the customers who arrive from a certain country to a native language version of your site. For example, if you’ve got an Italian translation of your website, you can easily send all the site visitors coming from Italy to that particular page instead of asking them to switch to Italian once they visit the English variant. This enables you to offer your site visitors with a user–friendly on–line experience from the very beginning.

There is no need for any particular abilities or tech know–how to utilize the GeoIP re–direction tool. It’s all configured with just a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the latest news on your website

What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a technique for publishing and collecting web content. It’s being widely used by media sites, personal blogs, newscasts, and so forth. The published content is readily collected by a feed aggregator and after that shown to the consumer. Working with RSS, customers can obtain news from a wide range of websites and go over them in one location.

With our RSS News Syndication tool, you can easily include headlines feeds coming from a lot of the world’s most famous news channels and exhibit them on your own web site.

RSS News