No Data Corruption & Data Integrity
Find out what No Data Corruption & Data Integrity is and how it can be good for the files in your website hosting account.
The process of files getting corrupted due to some hardware or software failure is referred to as data corruption and this is one of the main problems that Internet hosting companies face as the larger a hard drive is and the more information is stored on it, the much more likely it is for data to be corrupted. You'll find several fail-safes, still often the information gets corrupted silently, so neither the particular file system, nor the administrators notice anything. Because of this, a bad file will be handled as a good one and if the hard disk is a part of a RAID, that file will be duplicated on all other drives. Theoretically, this is for redundancy, but in practice the damage will get even worse. The moment some file gets corrupted, it will be partly or completely unreadable, so a text file will not be readable, an image file will display a random combination of colors in case it opens at all and an archive will be impossible to unpack, and you risk losing your website content. Although the most widespread server file systems feature various checks, they often fail to discover some problem early enough or require a long amount of time to check all of the files and the server will not be functional for the time being.
No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Shared Website Hosting
The integrity of the data which you upload to your new shared website hosting account will be ensured by the ZFS file system that we work with on our cloud platform. The majority of internet hosting service providers, like our firm, use multiple hard disks to store content and since the drives work in a RAID, the exact same information is synchronized between the drives at all times. In case a file on a drive becomes corrupted for some reason, however, it's very likely that it will be copied on the other drives as alternative file systems do not offer special checks for this. In contrast to them, ZFS uses a digital fingerprint, or a checksum, for every single file. If a file gets damaged, its checksum will not match what ZFS has as a record for it, and the bad copy shall be substituted with a good one from another hard disk drive. Because this happens instantly, there's no risk for any of your files to ever be corrupted.