There are a number of ways to redirect website visitors from one domain/website to another. The so-called URL redirection is oftentimes preferred. In contrast to parking a domain name, a URL redirection is feasible only if the domain name in question is hosted. What this means in simple terms is that you may still open any content if you have a direct link to it and you could create e mail addresses or subdomains and use them. This sort of function has several practical uses - if you decide to switch your domain name, you may redirect the traffic, but the e-mails with the old one shall still be active whenever you are communicating with customers or partners. When you have 2 identical Internet sites and you want to rebuild one of them, you may redirect the visitors to the other site so as to avoid losing potential customers, while you'll still be able to access the administrator area for the first website and improve it.

URL Redirector in Shared Website Hosting

With the point-and-click redirection tool, which is incorporated into our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to forward all of your domain addresses and subdomains whatever the shared website hosting plan you have picked. With just a few mouse clicks, you are able to set up a new redirection even if you haven't used a web hosting account before, due to the fact that our tool is really user-friendly. For a standard redirection, you'll simply need to pick a domain/subdomain from a drop-down menu, to input the new URL, and then to save the change. The more proficient users can modify other options too - the redirection type (permanent/temporary), the method (direct/match) and the folder where this forwarding will be enabled (the main domain folder or a particular subfolder). Any forwarding that you have created could be deleted with only a mouse click whenever you want.